
Greatest Value

Use place value to help you decide which one is bigger.



A number that is the greatest is the highest or biggest number. Can you tell which number is bigger?

23                26
If you answered 26, you are correct! How do we know for sure? Place value can help you compare numbers. In both of these numbers, there are two tens. If two numbers have the same number of tens, then you only have to compare the ones value. 23 has 3 ones and 26 has 6 ones. 6 is bigger than 3, so 26 is bigger than 23. We write it like this:

6 > 3 (6 is greater than 3)
26 > 23 (26 is greater than 23)

You can also use the hundreds chart to help you. Click the Download button to access and print the hundreds chart. The smaller numbers start in the top left corner. Read the chart left to right and by row, just like you read books. Notice 26 is after the 23, so 26 is bigger.
hundreds chart from 23 to 26