
Observations and Discoveries

What are some ways that humans and animals interact?



For this next activity, follow the steps below to observe human and animal interaction, and journal your findings like a scientist.

2 Wolves running together Steps:

1. Go to a local area where you might best observe nature and humans coexisting. This could be your back yard, a zoo, a park, or the woods.

2. Consider these facts before you begin your observations:

Many animals assist one another in their daily lives. For example, insects help dead vegetation decompose and find its way back to the soil, making the earth fertile for plants to grow and feed animals.

Bees pollinate flowers to make honey for bears to eat.

3. Look for ways different animals help each other. If you cannot see them in action, ask your family and friends what they think about it. Do we help animals in any way? How? Do animals help us? Do they do it naturally, or have we trained them to do it?

4. Journal your observations or discoveries. Include a picture of what you have seen or discussed.