
New Jerseys

What numbers are missing?



Violet needs to create new jerseys in time for basketball season, but she needs help completing the number sequences. Help her put the missing numbers on the team's jerseys!

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We see a woman holding a large box of clothes. Two basketball jerseys appear with numbers on them, then two appear with question marks where the numbers should be.

Basketball season is starting soon, and Violet has to make sure each team has plenty of new jerseys to wear. But some of the shirts are missing the player’s numbers. Let’s help Violet fill in the blanks.


Five orange jerseys, with a tiger logo. The first and last jerseys are blank, while the middle three are labeled 6, 7, and 8. Violet holds an airbrush.

The first team is the Tigers. Which jersey numbers are missing in this group?


Violet airbrushes the numbers 5 and 9 on the first and last jerseys.

You got it, the numbers 5 and 9 are missing.


Five gray jerseys, with a shark logo. The first and last jerseys are blank, while the middle three are labeled 4, 5, and 6. Violet holds an airbrush.

Here’s the next set of jerseys for a team called the Sharks. Which numbers are missing?


Violet airbrushes the numbers 3 and 7 on the first and last jerseys.

Fantastic, 3 and 7 need to be added to this group.


Five brown jerseys, with a bear logo. The first and last jerseys are blank, while the middle three are labeled 12, 13, and 14. Violet holds an airbrush.

The next set of jerseys is for the Bears. Can you fill in the two missing numbers?


Violet airbrushes the numbers 11 and 15 on the first and last jerseys.

Correct, this set is missing the 11 and the 15.


Five blue jerseys, with a snake logo. The second and last jerseys are blank, while the first is labeled 16, and the third and fourth labeled 18 and 19. Violet holds an airbrush.

Now for the new jerseys for the Vipers. Two numbers are missing, can you find them?


Violet airbrushes the numbers 17 and 20 on the second and last jerseys.

Excellent, the numbers 17 and 20 are missing.


Violet paints a plain white T-Shirt with a pictures of a giraffe in sunglasses.

Violet’s done with her work for today, and now she can paint her own shirt!
