
Number Words

How many digits are in a phone number?



hands holding cellphones

Here is my phone number. Can you count how many digits, or numbers, are in it?


That's right! There are 10 digits in a phone number. Let's count by tens and see how many total numbers are in the contacts of this cell phone.

632-987-7845 ten
741-589-6587 twenty
987-012-6324 thirty
102-324-7410 forty
521-748-5821 fifty
578-521-6633 sixty
210-332-5514 seventy
951-753-8521 eighty
159-357-7412 ninety
214-857-8822 one hundred

Wow! There are one hundred digits in this cell phone! Let's practice reading number words some more. Click the arrow, and we'll focus on fifty through one hundred.