
The Mali Empire

Now it is your turn to retell the story you have just heard about the Mali empire.



Illustration of Rene Caillies trek to Timbuktu and his inquisition by town elders outside their hut Steps:

  1. Now that you've read along and heard the story, retell it to someone. Include as many details as you can remember.

  2. What do you admire, if anything, about Sundiata? Why do you think King Maghad chose him for his heir?

  3. Experiential activity: The Mali people maintained the traditions of their great empire through the oral tradition of storytelling told and retold over centuries! Here's your chance to perform your own story.  Use props, costumes, and music if you wish (like you may have done with the Chinese folktale). You may use the story of Sundiata, or you can make up one of your own. If possible, include friends or family members in the story. The oral tradition of storytelling in many cultures used real people from the community as characters in the stories.

  4. Draw a picture of something from the story. On the back of the paper, write in your best print, either these words, or ones you believe best reflect their picture:

    Sundiata became the great Lion King of Mali. He was brave and ruled fairly over all.