Create a Visual Aid
What visual aid will you use for your research project?
When you have completed the activity, save it. You will turn it in with your Research Project.
When it is time to turn in your research presentation, you will be graded using this rubric.
Your visual aid goes well with your research topic. You included an image that represents the report and topic. You included a detailed description, and your work is very neat and tidy. |
Your visual aid goes well with your research topic. You included an image that represents the report and topic. You included a detailed description, and your work is mostly very neat and tidy. |
Your visual aid goes fairly well with your research topic. You included an image that somewhat represents the report and topic. You included some details in your description, but your work is only somewhat neat and tidy. |
Your visual aid does not go well with your research topic, or you did not include an image. You included a sketchy description or none at all, and your work is not very neat or tidy. |