
Finish Your Family History

Complete your family history picture book.



parent reading to child Steps continued:

  1. Collect the drawings you have already done from the last lesson. Draw some more! Include your timeline.

  2. Make a cover for your book out of sturdy paper or cardboard. Draw a picture that represents your family. Write your family name on the cover.

  3. Place all the separate sheets of paper on top of one another in order from first to last. Place the cardboard cover or sturdy paper with the family name on top and the other cardboard or sturdy paper on the bottom.

  4. Punch three holes in the left sides of the papers.

  5. Tie the three short pieces of yarn through the holes. Your story is complete!

  6. Perform an oral presentation of your family history, following the story book. Feel free to add props, costumes, and music! Be as creative as you wish. Most importantly, have fun!

    Using the audio recording software of your choice, record yourself retelling the story of your family out loud in your own words. After you have completed your recording successfully, send the audio file to your teacher.

    audio recording image