

What are the effects of climate on people?



Climate is another example of a physical system. Climate is the weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. Climate is the measure of the average temperature, humidity, rainfall, snow, and other conditions in different areas.

Weather can change. One day it can be rainy and the next sunny.

The sun and lightning
Conceptual Photo Picture of a Thermometer Object in the Dry Desert

But the climate doesn't really change. If you live in the desert, you live in a hot, arid environment. There is a very small, if not impossible, chance that you will ever see snow because of the climate you live in.

Now if you live in a climate that has all four seasons, you are more likely to experience what is known as a temperate climate. This type of climate doesn't get very cold or very hot. Instead, it is moderate.

Four seasons with japanese cherry trees in Hurd Park, Dover, New Jersey
Beaver Dam - Tierra Del Fuego - Argentina

There are different climate zones and each one affects where people live and how they survive.

There are five types of climate. Most regions experience at least one of these types: tropical, dry, mild, cold, and polar. People wear different clothes, build homes differently, and grow food differently depending on the climate in which they live.





Not many people live in polar, or arctic, climates where it is cold all year. Sometimes it is colder than -30 degrees. People who do live in polar regions, such as the Inuits, adapt to the environment by the clothes they wear and the homes they build.

Photograph shows Eskimos (Inuit) constructing an igloo with blocks of snow as children and dogs stand by.

People who live in tropical climates where the air is warm don't need heavy layers of clothes. They wear light-weight clothes to keep cool during the heat. Avocado, coconut, and pineapple are a few examples of tropical fruits that grow in these warm climates.

Coconut palms

Many different species of birds and other animals, like spider monkeys, lemurs, and sloths, live in tropical climates because their bodies can withstand the heat. People who live in tropical areas tend to enjoy the heat. They have adapted and found ways to stay cool.

Dry, hot climates can be hard to live in. Think of the desert in the southwestern part of the U.S. People who live there may have to conserve water, stay indoors during the summer, and use air conditioners or fans.

Taos Pueblo, New Mexico

Most of the United States is a temperate climate. Yes, there are regions of the U.S. that are warmer, wetter, colder, or drier than other areas, but for the most part, the temperatures in the U.S. are mild compared to other areas in the world. Millions of people live in the United States, which means they have found ways to adapt to the climate. You can find major cities throughout the U.S., and the location of a lot of these cities is based on climate. A milder climate usually means more people will want to live there.

Central Park, New York, USA - 23 October, 2016: people laying on green grass.

In a temperate climate, people can grow a variety of crops. Thousands of different species of plants and animals can also be found in this environment.

A simple summer landscape in a temperate climate

Climate is important when you think about how and why people live where they do. Ways people adapt to their environment depend on the type of climate in which they live.