
Experiential Work

You can dance just like the Kush people!



A Nubian harper. Carl.Haag/Cairo. Nov: 1858.  

Kush was primarily located in what is now Sudan in Africa, called Nubia in ancient times. Many Kush were of Egyptian descent, and as a result, their culture was similar to that of Egypt. They did worship some gods of their own, however, and enjoyed great festivals.

The Kush people loved collective dance rather than individualized. They performed on tambourines, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, and danced in circles. It was a rousing activity!

You can try your own version of Nubian dance! With drums and tambourines, establish a strong beat of your own--or refer to the many African drumming music tracks you may find at your local library or online. Ancient drumming was similar, although they loved the use of the tambourine as a primary instrument. Now, with hands on shoulders, spin and twirl to the music you make! Add shouts of joy and celebration, and you’ll be (almost) in ancient Africa!