
Curves, Points, and Sides

What are shape attributes?



When you described each shape, you talked about the different qualities of each one. For example, was it round? How many sides did it have? Was it pointy? These qualities are called shape attributes. Watch the video to learn more about shape attributes.

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A red dot appears on the screen. It stretches out horizontally into a line.

This is a point. If we stretch it out in one direction, what do we have?


That’s right, a line! Is this line straight or curved? You got it, straight.


The line curves.

How about now?


Yes, it’s a curve. A curve is a line with a smooth bend.


The line goes straight again, then expands into a square.

When we draw a line on the top, bottom, right, and left, we have a square. A square is a shape with four sides. But what is a side?


The sides are numbered 1-4. The square transforms into a triangle. The sides are numbered 1-3.

Sides are the lines that make a shape. This square has four sides. See? One, two, three, four. We can take away one side and make a triangle. How many sides does this have? Correct, three.


The triangle turns into a hexagon.

Or we can add more sides to make new shapes. How many sides does this one have?


The six sides of the hexagon are numbered.

You got it, six! That’s a hexagon.


We zoom into a corner of the polygon. We zoom back out. The corners are each circled. The hexagon turns to a triangle, and its three corners are circled. The triangle turns into a square, and its four corners are circled. Each side of the square is numbered 1-4.

What happens when two lines meet at an angle? We have a corner. A hexagon has six corners, and a triangle has three corners.  square has four corners. Wow, each shape has the same number of corners and sides!


The square grows into a cube, and begins to spin around. It rotates to show each face as it’s announced: top, bottom, left, right, front, back. It begins to rotate again.

Let’s turn this square into a cube. This is a cool shape! Now its sides are called faces. This shape has six faces: top, bottom, left, right, front, back. Where two faces meet, we have an edge. How many edges does a cube have? Count them yourself, and see what answer you find!
