

audio buttonWhat problem are manatees facing?



reading rhino

audio buttonToday, we will be reading "Saving the Manatees." Our theme for this week is Solving Problems. What kind of problems do you think manatees are facing? Let's read the text to find out.

audio buttonSaving the Manatees

By Deborah Rogers

Manatees are gentle underwater giants. Unless we take action, they may disappear forever.


audio buttonIt is believed that only about 5,000 manatees remain in the wild in Florida.

At first glance, a manatee looks like a seal or walrus. Its closest relative is actually the elephant. Manatees graze on plants that grow in warm rivers and coastal bays. They live in shallow water that is only three to seven feet deep. Because they are mammals, manatees come to the top of the water often to breathe air. They have no natural enemies, yet their future is in danger. Why? The answer is humans.

Although manatees die of natural causes, most die because of things we do. Boaters often enter waters where manatees live. Without ever seeing the animal, the boater hits the manatee. The blow may kill the manatee. Other times a deep cut from the boat's motor leads to the manatee's death. Manatees also die after accidentally eating fishhooks or trash in the water. Many become trapped in fishing wire or crab traps, and die.

manatee zoneProtect!
There are many ways we can save the manatee. Manatees are recognized as endangered animals. This makes it illegal to capture or kill a manatee. Many places in Florida have also reduced maximum boat speeds. This has reduced the number of manatees hit by boats.

You can take steps to save the manatees. Do your best to reduce, recycle, and reuse. Organize trash clean ups where you live. Write letters to lawmakers. Ask them to support laws that protect manatees. You can even adopt a manatee! Visit the Save the Manatee Club on the Internet to learn more!

manatee map

audio buttonManatee Habitat Range

audio buttonManatee Quick Facts

  • Baby manatees are about four feet long and weigh 60 pounds.
  • Most adult manatees are nearly 10 feet long and weigh between 800 and 1,000 pounds.
  • Manatees breathe through nostrils, not blowholes.
  • Manatees cannot turn their heads! They have to turn their whole bodies to see what is behind them.

audio buttonClick the "Activity" button to download a worksheet and answer questions about the stories you've read this week.