
Now that you’ve practiced how the sections of an HTML document are arranged, let’s review what each section does.

Before you take your quiz, try the activity below. Choose the purpose (or purposes) of each HTML section. Be sure to check all the answers that apply.

The <body> is...

  1. appears as the second element inside the HTML-tag
  2. the place all of the page's content to be displayed
  3. lists keywords people may use as search terms
  4. where you enter the title of the webpage

The <html> tag is used to...

  1. hold all of a webpage's HTML code
  2. declare which version of HTML will be used
  3. declare a webpage's language
  4. name an HTML file

The <title> tag is...

  1. contained in the <head> tag
  2. required on all pages of a website
  3. lists keywords people may use as search terms
  4. where you enter the title of the webpage

The DOCTYPE is...

  1. where you add the description that appears in search results
  2. used to declare which version of HTML will be used
  3. used to avoid quirks mode, a failsafe added to browsers before there were standardized rules for web languages
  4. set to HTML5 for all modern web-building

The <head> tag is where you...

  1. add the description that appears in search results
  2. add the <title> tag
  3. list keywords people may use as search terms
  4. indicate whether search engines should include the webpage in results


Questions answered correctly:

Questions answered incorrectly: