
How can you use significant figures and rounding to reflect the uncertainty of measurements?

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Now that you have learned the importance of significant figures, next you will learn how we determine the correct number of significant figures to use when we are performing calculations with our measurements.

When performing calculations involving measured numbers, the calculated answers often appear to have more significant figures than are really justified. For example, dividing 125 by 307 on a calculator gives 0.4071661238 … to an infinite number of digits. But the digits in this answer do not have practical meaning, especially since you are starting with numbers that have only three significant figures each. The answers to calculations like this are rounded to maintain the correct number of significant figures.

When performing mathematical operations, there are two rules for limiting the number of significant figures in an answer--one rule is for addition and subtraction, and one rule is for multiplication and division as summarized in this table.

Multiplication & Division The answer cannot have more SF than either of the original numbers.
Addition & Subtraction The answer cannot be more precise (have more decimal places) than either of the original numbers.
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Let's Watch

Watch this video to learn how to use these rules for calculations with measured values.

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In the last video you learned about the importance of significant figures. When you use too many significant figures, it misrepresents how precise your measurements are. But this becomes even trickier when we get calculations involved. Fortunately, we have rules in place to help us determine the correct number of sig figs to use when we are doing math with our measurements. We have one rule for multiplication and division, and another rule for when we are adding and subtracting.

First, let’s look at the rule for multiplication and division. The rule here is that when you are carrying out multiplication or division, the answer cannot have more significant figures than either of the original numbers. That is to say, look at the numbers you are multiplying or dividing. Whichever one has fewer sig figs, that’s how many sig figs your answer will have.

For example, say we’re finding the area of a rectangle that’s been measured to be 1.2 meters wide by 4.45 meters long. The first measurement has 2 sig figs, and the second measurement has 3. The lower of these is the first measurement, with only 2 sig figs, and that’s how many our answer will have.

So, if you enter this problem into a calculator, you’ll get an area of 5.34 square meters. But this is more than our limit of 2 sig figs, so we have to round off that last decimal, leaving us with 5.3 square meters, and this satisfies the 2 sig fig limit.

Now let’s look at how we deal with addition and subtraction, because it is done a little differently. The rule here is that when you are carrying out addition or subtraction, the answer cannot be more precise – for example, more decimal places – than either of the original numbers.

So before, with multiplication and division, we were looking at the number of significant figures, but with addition and subtraction, we are only concerned with place value.

For example, say we are finding the sum of 6.2 grams and 4.625 grams. Well, 6.2 grams is precise to the tenths place, while 4.625 grams is precise to the thousandths place. The less precise of these numbers is 6.2 grams.

Now, if we enter this into our calculator, we get 10.825 grams, but our answer can only be precise to the tenths place. So we round off those last two digits, and our final answer is 10.8 grams. This satisfies the limit that our answer cannot be more precise than either of the original values. Notice that in this situation, our final answer has 3 sig figs, different than either of our original values.

When we consistently apply these two rules, it allows people within the sciences to accurately convey the precision of their measurements to other scientists.

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Let's Practice

Complete this activity to practice using significant figures and rounding to reflect the uncertainty of measured values. Use the rules you learned in the video to determine the correct calculated answer to the question on each tab. Then check your answer.

Important Reminder

In rounding, when the number to be dropped is 5 or greater, increase the number to the left by 1 value. When the number to be dropped is less than 5, there is no change.

A car consumes 9.1 gallons of gasoline while driving 267.5 miles. Calculate how many miles per gallon the car gets by dividing the number of miles by the amount of gasoline.

29 miles per gallon.

If you need help arriving at this answer, click the Solution button.

Step 1: Perform calculation. 267.5 \( \div \) 9.1 = 29.3956044
Step 2: Determine number of SF or decimal places.

9.1 gallons has 2 SF

267.5 has 4 SF

Step 3: Round to lowest SF or decimal place.

The rule of division requires the lowest number of significant figures which is 2.

29.3956044 rounded to 2 SF is 29.

The 3 is less than 5, so it does not affect the number to its left.

The cost of cheese is $5.98 per pound. Calculate the cost of 4.0 pounds of cheese by multiplying the cost by the pounds.


If you need help arriving at this answer, click the Solution button.

Step 1: Perform calculation. 5.98 \( \times \) 4.0 = 23.92
Step 2: Determine number of SF or decimal places.

5.98 dollars has 3 SF

4.0 pounds has 2 SF

Step 3: Round to lowest SF or decimal place.

The rule of multiplication requires the lowest number of significant figures which is 2.

23.92 rounded to 2 SF is 24.

The 9 is greater than 5, so the number to the left is increased by 1.

Three different objects have mass values of 3.45, 5.000 and 2.014 grams. Calculate the total mass by adding together each value.

10.46 grams

If you need help arriving at this answer, click the Solution button.

Step 1: Perform calculation. 3.45 + 5.000 + 2.014 = 10.464
Step 2: Determine number of SF or decimal places.

3.45 grams has 2 decimal places

5.000 grams has 3 decimal places

2.014 grams has 3 decimal places

Step 3: Round to lowest SF or decimal place.

The rule of addition requires the lowest number of decimal places, which is 2.

10.464 rounded to 2 decimal places is 10.46.

The 4 is less than 5, so it does not affect the number to the left.

On Monday the temperature was 89.8°F. On Tuesday the temperature was 74°F. Calculate the difference in temperature by subtracting the values.

16°F decrease in temperature

If you need help arriving at this answer, click the Solution button.

Step 1: Perform calculation 89.8 - 74 = 15.8
Step 2: Determine number of SF or decimal places

89.8°F has 1 decimal place

74°F has 0 decimal places

Step 3: Round to lowest SF or decimal place

The rule of subtraction requires the lowest number of decimal places, which is zero.

15.8 rounded to zero decimal places is 16.

The 8 is greater than 5, so the number to the left is increased by 1.