
Knowing about subject domains can help you understand new words in context.

You’ve learned and practiced two “word attack” skills in this lesson. You have analyzed the parts of a word, and you have applied subject-domain clues from the surrounding text. Now see if you can apply these skills to some sentences you haven’t read before.

In the language of builders, a terrace is a patio or balcony. In farming or landscaping, it is a series of flat areas of ground in a slope. Which meaning of terraced applies in the sentence below?

A student's grade can mean the difference between continuing in school or returning to labor in the terraced rice fields that surround the Himalayan mountain village.

  1. having a balcony or patio
  2. being part of farmland
  3. being a patio that is built on sloped land

The fields are arranged in terraces, or flat areas of ground along a slope.

The fields are arranged in terraces, or flat areas of ground along a slope.

The fields are arranged in terraces, or flat areas of ground along a slope.

The fields are arranged in terraces, or flat areas of ground along a slope.

Agriculture is the practice, business, and science of farming. The suffix -al means “relating to, having the character of.” What does the word agricultural tell you about the village in the following sentence?

This was my second year teaching science in Gahonsahor, an agricultural village two days' walk east of the Pokhara airport.

  1. It includes an agriculture school.
  2. It is devoted to the study of science.
  3. It has no business except farming.

The village is mainly devoted to farming or characterized by farmland.

The village is mainly devoted to farming or characterized by farmland.

The village is mainly devoted to farming or characterized by farmland.

The village is mainly devoted to farming or characterized by farmland.

The word dialect comes from the ancient Greek root legein, “to speak.” Based on this root, which phrase best defines dialect as used in the sentence?

My command of the local alphabet had grown to where I could write on the blackboard to illustrate my diagrams, and my ear for the hill dialect allowed me to follow their discussions about what we were studying.

  1. vocabulary of a profession
  2. main language spoken
  3. private use of slang

The mention of the writer’s “ear” for the dialect suggests it refers to a way of speaking.

The mention of the writer’s “ear” for the dialect suggests it refers to a way of speaking.

The mention of the writer’s “ear” for the dialect suggests it refers to a way of speaking.

The mention of the writer’s “ear” for the dialect suggests it refers to a way of speaking.

The prefix tri- means “having three.” What can you conclude about the rocks in the following sentence?

These bolts are triangular pieces of rock, rather like very large arrowheads.

  1. They were made by lightning bolts.
  2. They were once used as arrowheads.
  3. They are two-dimensional, like a triangle.

A triangular object has three sides.

A triangular object has three sides.

A triangular object has three sides.

A triangular object has three sides.


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