
Can you use a Venn diagram to verify these statements?

Quite often in this course, you will need to analyze general statements, including conjectures about groups of things that may be alike in some ways and different in others. Venn diagrams are perfect for organizing your thoughts about differences and similarities among items, but it takes practice to learn how to create and read these graphic tools. Consider the situation below, which leads a student named Noah to create several claims, or conjectures, that will need to be tested. 

Noah needs to know what his friends would like to do for his birthday party this summer. He thinks it would be fun to go swimming at the beach or hiking on an island he knows about, but Noah wants to make sure that most of his friends would enjoy one of these activities.

To help him sort out his plans, Noah has created the Venn diagram below.

Which of Noah's conjectures are supported by the Venn diagram above? Read each of the claims below. When you think you know if the conjecture is supported by the diagram, click the Show Me button to check your work.

Eleven of my friends would like to go hiking.
At least 10 of my friends would like to go swimming.
Seven of my friends would not like to go swimming.
More people prefer swimming than hiking.

Now try testing some conjectures on your own, using the activity below. Click the Activity button to access the Venn diagram worksheet. When you've completed the worksheet, click on the Answer Key button to check your work.