
Complete this assignment to try out what you've learned about HTML forms and ampersand notation.

Lesson Content Banner

Turn it in!

Forms are a convenient way to retrieve user input on your website. Along with getting feedback, ordering information, and polling submissions, forms can even be used to create an online quiz.

For this assignment, you will create a simple online math test. Even though we haven't learned how to submit form data, we can still assemble all the parts of the form that would be needed. You will come up with multiple choice questions and a word problem, and you will include places for the user to enter their name and to "submit" their test.

young woman teaching math

Your completed assignment should contain the following:

  • A text field to enter the user's name
  • At least three multiple choice questions where only one answer can be selected
  • A word problem with a multiline text area for the user to type in the answer
  • At least three different math symbols using correct ampersand notation
  • A Submit button at the end of the test
  • Comment tags that indicate the start and end of the test.

When you're done, save your HTML file and upload it to your GitHub repository. Then submit the assignment link to your teacher. You will be graded using the following rubric:

Math Questions
Student wrote the required number of questions.
Multiple Choice
Multiple choice problems are crafted with proper HTML form syntax.
Word Problem
Word problem's answer field is crafted with proper HTML form syntax.
Name Field
Proper form is included to enter user's name.
Math Symbols
Math symbols were created with proper ampersand notation.
Submit Button
A button was included where user would be able to submit the test.
Comment tags were included in the code to indicate the start and end of the test.