So far in this lesson, you have learned about place value, representing numbers using words and grids, and comparing two numbers by evaluating their place values.
Another way to compare numbers is to order them on a horizontal number line. Remember that a horizontal number line is a straight horizontal line with numbers placed along it. The space between the numbers is equal. The numbers increase as you read them from left to right.
In the video below, an instructor will show you how to plot numbers along a number line. As you watch the video, notice how easy it is to compare numbers when they are ordered on the number line.
You may want to use the study guide to follow along. If so, click below to download the study guide.
Representing Numbers Using a Number Line
Let’s work through an example of putting numbers in order on a number line.
Order the numbers 11,235.70, 11,235.50, and 11,234.90 least to greatest using a number line. The first step is to create a number line. The three values fall between 11,234 and 11,236. We will put 11,235
as the midway mark. Let’s break each whole into tenths. To keep it even, we can break it in half and then break each into five. The second step is to plot each value and label as we plot. First we’ll plot 11,235.70.
We go past 11,235. Seventy-hundredths is equivalent to seven tenths. So let’s count 7 tenths – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. I plot right here and label, 11,235.70. Next we will plot 11,235.50. We go to 11,235. Fifty-hundredths
is equivalent to five tenths, so we count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 tenths and we plot. Now we label 11,235.50. Lastly we will plot 11,234.90. We go to 11,234. Ninety-hundredths is equivalent to nine tenths so we count 9 tenths,
and we plot and we label 11,234.90. Now that all three of our values are on the number line, we are ready for our last step – our last step is to order the values using the number line. On a number line, the smallest
values are always on the left. As we work our way to right the values get larger. So to put these values in order from least to greatest we need to put them in order as they fall from left to right on the number
line. The smallest value is going to be 11,234.90, the next value is going to be 11,235.50, and the largest value is going to be 11,235.70.
In conclusion, plotting values on a number line is helpful for
ordering values because a number line is always in order from least to greatest as we move from left to right.
Of the numbers 675.45, 675.65, and 674.25, which would be farthest to the left on the number line?

A horizontal number line with the values between 674 and 676 marked by 0.2.
The number 674.25 is the smallest number of the set, so it would be farthest to the left on the number line. A horizontal number line with the values between 674 and 676 marked by 0.2. The values 674.25, 675.45, and 675.65 are each marked with a closed circle.