
Now it’s your turn to explain it to us.

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Create a presentation explaining what you would say to a friend of yours to be successful in cooking spaghetti Bolognese. Include the following information in complete imperative Spanish sentences, and insert pictures to illustrate your statements.

Cooks in yellow aprons celebrating after a job well done.
  • What to buy
  • 3 things to do before starting to cook
  • 3 things to do while cooking
  • 3 things not to do in the kitchen
  • 3 things to do after cooking to tidy up the kitchen

Tip for Success!
Remember to use commands in each slide, and practice explaining in Spanish to your family and friends what to do in the kitchen.

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Below you will find a presentation rubric that will be used to grade your presentation. Review the sentence and paragraph structure before you submit your presentation, and practice out loud before presenting to your teacher.

High Middle Low Unacceptable
Assignment Requirements
Completed all of the assignment requirements. Completed most of the assignment requirements. Completed some of the assignment requirements. Writing is incomplete; doesn’t meet the assignment requirements.
Comprehensibility & Organization
Writing is well organized and understandable. Writing is mostly organized. Most is easy to understand. Writing is somewhat organized. Some is difficult to understand. Writing is unorganized and difficult to understand.
Vocabulary – Current Vocabulary and Variety
Demonstrates ability to use a variety of current vocabulary; some idiomatic expressions. Demonstrates correct use of current lesson’s vocabulary; some variety. Uses vocabulary phrases correctly; use of vocabulary is limited or doesn’t use current lesson’s vocabulary. Uses memorized phrases from the course; inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
Grammar – Parts of Speech and Verb Conjugation
Demonstrates full knowledge of verb conjugation and tense; minor errors in structure. Demonstrates good understanding of verb conjugation and tense; occasional misuse of verb or structure. Demonstrates some knowledge of verb conjugation or tense; emerging control of structures. Many errors in overall grammar; no knowledge of verb conjugation or tense.