
Text treatment is as important on websites as it is on the printed page.

Have you ever looked through a newspaper or magazine? More and more people go online to read the news these days, but you might still spot printed news at the store, in newspaper vending boxes, or on your neighbor's porch.

If you look at the front of a newspaper, you can see text with different visual treatments. There's usually a big headline at the top. Columns are filled with paragraphs telling news stories. A solid line travels across the page to divide it into sections. These things are done to organize content and to create a visual hierarchy, giving readers a clear path to get to the information they want.

Newspaper with headings, subheadings, columns and images

It stands to reason that text content on a website would require similar treatments to create a logical and visually pleasing layout. That's why HTML includes a number of tags to categorize, organize, and format text content.