Most readers think of characters when they hear the word archetype, but other story elements can be archetypes as well. Knowing what these are can help you understand why certain books and movies become wildly popular while others do not. Generally, readers are drawn in and moved by any kind of archetype.
Click each story element to learn how it may act as an archetype.
How many stories have you read or seen that portray a battle between good and evil? What about the circle of life? Some situations are common to all people, everywhere. If these situations also involve really strong feelings (such as the sorrow of death followed by the joy of new life), they are likely to be archetypes.
All humans encounter certain natural elements, regardless of where and when they live. Images of water, such as a river or the ocean, tend to have similar meanings for people in every culture. The same is true of the setting sun, a sprouting seed, and a baby’s first cry. When these images appear in stories, they have the effect of symbols even if they aren’t given meaning by the story itself. Because they are archetypes, these images bring meaning to the story based on important experiences that all humans share.
How well can you recognize examples of archetypes? See if you can identify the situation or image in each set that carries the power of an archetype.
Which situation would be considered an archetype?
Examples are Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, King Arthur’s sword Excalibur, and Wonder Woman’s lasso and wrist guards.
Examples are Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, King Arthur’s sword Excalibur, and Wonder Woman’s lasso and wrist guards.
Examples are Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, King Arthur’s sword Excalibur, and Wonder Woman’s lasso and wrist guards.
Which situation would be considered an archetype?
In all kinds of stories, the main character often receives advice from a character representing wisdom or special knowledge. The main character may even seek magical intervention to help solve a problem.
In all kinds of stories, the main character often receives advice from a character representing wisdom or special knowledge. The main character may even seek magical intervention to help solve a problem.
In all kinds of stories, the main character often receives advice from a character representing wisdom or special knowledge. The main character may even seek magical intervention to help solve a problem.
Which image would be considered an archetype?
Scenes of mothers and infants cause people all over the world to feel a similar way.
Scenes of mothers and infants cause people all over the world to feel a similar way.
Scenes of mothers and infants cause people all over the world to feel a similar way.
Which image would be considered an archetype?
A full moon is considered very meaningful and often magical in most cultures.
A full moon is considered very meaningful and often magical in most cultures.
A full moon is considered very meaningful and often magical in most cultures.
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