
What terms should you know?

Let's start by learning some CSS grid terminology and how it applies to the anatomy of a grid layout. Take a look at the following image, which demonstrates a basic grid layout, and then click on each term in the table blow to learn more.

young man learning online
illustration of a CSS Grid layout
Term Definition

The grid container is the parent element that establishes the grid's display type.

These are the horizontal and vertical lines that create the structure of the grid. They are used for positioning items on the grid.

These are the child element(s) that occupy the space between adjacent grid lines, within the parent grid area.

This is the content inside a grid cell.

This is the area between grid lines (columns & rows), where grid cells display grid items.

This is the total space of any grouping of cells within the grid, surrounded by grid lines.

The empty space between grid lines that separate the grid tracks (columns and rows).

Now that we know some basic terminology, it's time to start building a grid!


What is the purpose of the CSS grid?

To bring order and organization to a web layout, by grouping and organizing content into grid areas, using columns and rows that dynamically flow throughout the page.