

What do families do together?



Can you find all the different things that families do together in this video? While you watch, think about the things that your family does together, too.

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This is Lola. She has a cat named Scout. Lola and Scout like to go on adventures to find the answers to big questions. Today Lola is trying to figure out the answer to the question, “What things does a family do together?”

In order to answer this important question, Lola and Scout go on a photo scavenger hunt. They are looking for different things that families do together.

Oh, look! There is Alice’s family playing outside together. What things are they playing with?

That’s right—they are having fun flying kites, riding bikes, and jumping rope—all great outdoor activities. This photo is a great find for Lola and Scout’s scavenger hunt.

Over there is Manuel’s family working together to wash the car. What else are they doing as a family?

That’s right—the mother and daughter are working by mowing the grass and raking the leaves. Lola and Scout are excited with another good photo for their collection.

What about Jeremy’s family? What are they doing as a family?

Jeremy and his sister are showing that family members can spend time together learning and teaching one another. Lola definitely wants to include this picture of what a family does, too.

There is Jaquon’s family having a special celebration. What are they celebrating?

They are celebrating Jaquon’s birthday. Celebrating birthdays is a tradition in Jaquon’s family. Lola is happy to include this family’s photo in her scavenger hunt collection.

Lola and Scout’s scavenger hunt is a success! They captured families playing, working, learning, and celebrating together. Now Lola has many ideas of things to do with her own family. Hopefully, you do, too!



You learned in the video that families play together. What other things do families do together?

Families work, celebrate, and learn together, too.