
The Golden Rule

What’s the Golden Rule?



We have learned that the Golden Rule means to treat others the way you want to be treated. Watch the video to see how David learns about the Golden Rule.

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David and his family were sitting together eating dinner. His sister began sharing a story about a new classroom pet that her class got today.

Her story reminded David of the time that he was in kindergarten when his classroom had a classroom pet too. So, David interrupted his sister, and he began telling his story about his classroom pet.

The next day, David heard his dad tell his mom about how he stopped for ducks crossing the street today coming home from work. That story reminded David of a time when he saw ducks and fed them bread, so he interrupted his dad to tell his mom about his duck story.

David’s older brother was outside with his friends talking about the recent football game. That reminded David of the time he played flag football with his friends. So, David interrupted his brother to share his story about playing flag football.

The next day in school, during circle time, David was sharing about his favorite animal, tigers. Nicole remembered the time she went to the zoo and saw tigers. She interrupted David to share her story about tigers. This made David upset!

When David got home that day, he told his mom about how rude Nicole was during circle time and how she interrupted him. David’s mom handed him a sign that read “The Golden Rule.”

David looked puzzled and asked his mom what the Golden Rule was. His mom explained that the Golden Rule is an especially important rule that says, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Some people say the Golden Rule another way too: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

David thought about that Golden Rule, and he remembered all of the times that he interrupted people. He thought about when it happened to him and how it made him feel sad. He thought that he probably made others sad too when he did it to them. Then he began to think about how he would like others to treat him.

David would like people to not interrupt him when he’s talking, so that meant that he had to be respectful and not interrupt them when they are talking.

After what happened in school with Nicole, David has learned his lesson. To treat others the way he wants to be treated.


How did David learn his lesson?

David learned his lesson when Nicole interrupted him while he was speaking at school.