
Making Fruit and Vegetable Prints

Here are the step-by-step instructions.



Click through the slideshow and follow the directions to make your fruit and vegetable prints.

Cover Page


Find some different fruits and vegetables to make prints with. Then, ask an adult to cut them in half for you. You can print using the natural patterns you see, or you can use a toothpick to poke holes and make patterns in each fruit or vegetable.


Put a small blob of tempera paint on a plate or other shallow dish. Then, choose one of your cut pieces to dip in the paint. Make sure the cut surface is completely covered with paint.


Carefully press your stamp onto your paper. Make sure you press all the way around so that your stamped image is as complete as possible. Then, carefully peel your stamp off your paper and look at your print!


Keep printing until you have used up your paint. Then, let your prints dry. When they are completely dry, you can cut them out and use them to decorate a card or write messages them on them for friends and family members.

Isn’t it fun to find new ways to create art! Talk with your Learning Coach about how you will use your prints and send a picture of your favorite ones to your teacher.


Happy African American boy.

Good work!

Smiling red haired girl.

Could do better.

Mad little boy.

Need to improve.

You completed your art work.

Most of your art work is complete.

Some of your art work is incomplete.

Most of your art work is incomplete.

Your work is done correctly.

Most of your art work is done correctly.

Some of your art work is done incorrectly.

Most of your art work is done incorrectly.

Your work is neat and tidy.

Your work is mostly neat and tidy.

Some of your work is neat and tidy.

Most of your work is not neat and tidy.

You put your best effort into your art work.

You put a good effort into your art work.

You put some effort into your art work.

You put little effort into your art work.