
Let’s Practice!

Can you solve a long division word problem?



math monkey

You Can Do It!

Goal: Use the problem-solving steps to solve long division word problems.

Ava is excited to practice her skills in long division word problems! Let's practice solving long division word problems with her!

Ava reads the next trivia card. A cube has this number of edges 24 divided by 2, How many edges does a cube have?

 24 divided by 2

  1. There are 8 edges.
  2. There are 12 edges.
  3. There are 10 edges.
  4. There are 11 edges.

Ava reads another trivia card. The United States flag has this number of stars: 250 divided by 5. How many stars does the United States flag have?

 250 divided by 5

  1. There are 5 stars on the U.S. flag.
  2. There are 500 stars on the U.S. flag.
  3. There are 15 stars on the U.S. flag.
  4. There are 50 stars on the U.S. flag.

Ava reads the next trivia card. A piano has this number of keys: 352 divided by 4. How many keys does a piano have?

 352 divided by 4

  1. There are 88 keys on a piano.
  2. There are 44 keys on a piano.
  3. There are 68 keys on a piano.
  4. There are 75 keys on a piano.


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