
Let’s Learn!

What is a solid?



Think About It!

Goal: Learn about the attributes of solid shapes and how they are alike and different.

What are solid shapes? Another word for 3-D shapes is solid shapes. They are shapes you can pick up and hold. They take up space. Some 3-D objects that you might see every day are a ball, an ice cream cone, and a pencil box!

Here are some examples of solids. Click on each picture to see what 3-D shapes these solids look like!

A Venn diagram is two overlapping circles that show how two things are alike and different. Each circle contains a set. The overlapping space is where the sets are the same. Here is an example:

Click on the Venn diagram to see how to fill it out when comparing French fries and Tater Tots.

French fries and Tater Tots are the same because both are 3-D shapes, both are potatoes, and both have faces! But they are also different because Tater Tots are shaped like cylinders and have no edges or vertices. French fries are shaped like rectangular prisms and have edges and vertices.

Let’s compare 3-D shapes, or solids, to 2-D shapes using a Venn diagram! Look at how the Venn diagram explains how a cylinder and a circle are the same in some ways but different in other ways.

Venn diagram of cylinder and circle