

How can we use arrays to multiply?



thinking monkey with bulls eye target


Goal: Make arrays to multiply.

Now, it is time to try using arrays! Get out a crayon and the array worksheet. Use the worksheet to try these problems.

There are two empty arrays on your sheet. Put a large dot in each box.

Let’s solve 3 x 5. Which array should we use? Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Great job! Write 3 on the line before the “x.” Write 5 on the line after the “x.” Now, we will need repeated addition to help us find the answer. Look at your array to help you find the repeated addend. Write down the addend on the lines of the addition sentence. Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

That is right! What is the answer? Use the array to help you. Write your answer after both equal signs. Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Now let’s solve 5 x 5. We will use the second array. Write "5" and "5" on the lines with the “x” under the array. Look at your array to help you find the repeated addend. Write down the addend on the lines. Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

That is right! What is the answer? Use the array to help you. Write your answer after both equal signs. Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Great work! Complete this worksheet to multiply with arrays on your own. When you are done, turn in your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.

Array Match and Multiply