
Toby Goes to School

Toby, a new puppy, heads to school for the first time.



Meet Toby—he is going to school for the first time. Watch and see how Toby learns about rules and responsibilities.

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Today is a big day! It’s Toby’s first day of school!

While the teacher was teaching, Toby began barking and growling and being disruptive.

During lunchtime, Toby made a big mess on the floor.

When it was time for recess, Toby ran so fast he knocked his teacher down. Toby hurt his head and hurt his teacher too.

The teacher pointed to the sign that read “Classroom Rules: Rules are created to keep you and everyone safe.” Do you think Toby had a hard time following rules at school today? Yes, Toby interrupted everyone’s learning when he barked during the lesson. He hurt himself and his teacher because he was running in the halls.

Citizens have responsibilities. A responsibility is the job you have. Your responsibility is to go to school and follow the rules. The next day at school, Toby wanted to show his teacher that he could be a good classroom citizen and have a better day at school.

He raised his hand when the teacher was talking.

When he made a mess at lunchtime, he cleaned it before he left.

When it was time for recess, he walked to the door.

Toby had a great day in school!



How did Toby show he was a responsible classroom citizen on his second day of school?

Toby showed he was a responsible citizen by raising his hand while the teacher was talking, he cleaned up after himself when lunch was over, and he also walked to line up for recess.