Groups of 2
Here are the carrots in equal groups.
Can we skip count by 2s?
Yes! The carrots can be put into groups of 2.
Goal: Know when to skip count.
Here are the carrots the students brought for a game night snack:
How many carrots are there? We will use multiplication to find out. This means we will add together equal groups. Multiplication is like repeated addition. Repeated addition adds the same addend many times. We can also use an array to help us find the answer. An array puts items into rows and columns.
Illustration of three methods for counting. First, multiplication is illustrated by a box with text How many groups? followed by a times symbol followed by a box that reads How many in each group? An arrow points to the next method labeled repeated addition. The repeated addition is represented by 5 empty underlines separated by addition symbols. A blank underlined space is circled and labeled number in each group. A bracket surrounds all blank spaces from below and is labeled number of groups. Finally, the last method is array and it is represented by 8 blue dots in two columns of 4 dots.
We can also use skip counting to help us multiply. Skip counting is counting up by the same number. We will skip count by 2s. It looks like this:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Each number in this skip counting sequence is even. An even number is made up of groups of 2! An odd number does not have groups of 2 in it. We know we can skip count by 2s when we see an even number.
Let’s skip count by 2s to multiply!