
Using a Number Line

Can you solve subtraction number sentences using a number line?



There is always more than one way to solve a problem. You have learned how to count back using your fingers to subtract. Today, you will learn how to use a number line to subtract and write number sentences.

Using a number line can help us find the answer to a subtraction sentence. This is a number line.

Number line. 0 to 10.Bigger to the right.Smaller to the left.

On a number line, numbers get bigger as you move to the right. They get smaller when you move to the left. Subtracting is like hopping around on the number line like a bunny!

Number line. 0 to 10. Bunny hopping 4 spots to the left.

What direction do you think the bunny hops when subtracting?

When we subtract, or take away a number, we move to the left on the number line.

Let’s keep going to learn some more about subtraction and number lines!