
Sort by Period of Time

During what period of time was this person alive?



Abraham Lincoln giving Gettysburg address Young George Washington on a horse Martin Luther King Jr
Pocahontas planting maize Christopher Columbus Clare Barton

Let's try sorting these same historical figures into categories based on periods of time in U.S. history.

Drag and drop each person into the period of time he or she was alive. When you are ready to start, click the Begin button. Click the Check button to see if you sorted people correctly.

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1. Before America Was a Country 2. During the Civil War  3. 1960's
Clare Barton
Christopher Columbus
Pocahontas planting maize
Martin Luther King Jr
Abraham Lincoln giving Gettysburg address
Young George Washington on a horse
Great job!
You got them all!
Some of these aren't quite right. Fix your answers and try again.

Excellent! You are a clever categorizer.