Line of Symmetry Introduction
Do you know how to divide a region into two equal parts?
Logan has been learning how to make origami animals. He just finished making a butterfly for his friend Zoe. He is so excited about how it turned out that he ran and showed it to his mom.
“That butterfly is amazing!” said Logan's mom. “You did such a good job folding it! It has symmetry just like a real butterfly!”
“Thanks! I can't wait for Zoe to see it. She loves butterflies!” Logan says as he walks out of his mom's room. When he gets back to his room, he starts thinking about what his mom said. What did she mean when she said his origami butterfly had symmetry like the real thing?

Look at the pictures of the origami butterfly and the real butterfly. What do you think Logan's mom meant by the butterflies have symmetry?
Logan’s mom meant that a butterfly's left wing is the same as its right wing. If you fold the wings together, each half of the butterfly would be identical.