
Angles & Vertices

Let’s watch a video about angles and vertices!




Goal: Review angles and vertices.

Leena wants to learn how to identify two-dimensional shapes by different attributes, including their angles and vertices. Leena looks around the store and plays I Spy! She sees the door is a rectangle. It has 4 vertices, or corners! She counts 4 angles. Can you help her count and find shapes along the way?

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Leena is going to the market today. She is shopping for some fresh fruits to bake some pies! Leena enjoys shape scavenger hunts. She can identify two-dimensional, or 2-D, shapes by the number of sides, angles, and vertices they have.

Leena just noticed the top shelf resembles a rectangle! Wow, it has 1, 2, 3, 4 sides! It also has 1, 2, 3, 4 angles and 1, 2, 3, 4 vertices! Angles are where 2 lines come together to form a corner, or point. The corner they form is called a vertex. More than one vertex is referred to as vertices.

Look at this crate of raspberries Leena wants to buy. Mmm, they look so delicious! The crate is also the shape of a rectangle. Let’s count the number of angles the crate has -- the place where 2 lines come together! 1, 2, 3, 4, way to go!

Now, let’s count the number of vertices the crate of raspberries has. Remember, those are the corners of the shape. 1, 2, 3, 4, great job!

Let’s help Leena look for more shapes with angles and vertices to identify them!

Leena is looking to buy some yummy snacks for her family to eat before dinner. She wants to buy cheese because it is one of her son’s favorites.

Wow! Look at this cheese Leena found! What a neat shape! Let’s count the number of angles and vertices to find out which shape it can be.

Let’s count the angles first: 1, 2, 3.

Great! Now, let’s count the vertices: 1, 2, 3! Great job!

Because the shape has 3 angles and 3 vertices, that makes it a triangle! Way to go!

Looking for angles and vertices sure made Leena hungry! Good thing she brought some cookies to snack on!

Leena is so excited! Her cookie is another shape! Leena is very curious and wants to know what shape her cookie is. Let’s help Leena count the angles and vertices to determine the shape.

Let’s count the vertices first: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, nice job!

Now let’s count the angles! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, wonderful!

Hmmm, 6 vertices and 6 angles. Well, of course! Leena’s cookie is in the shape of a hexagon! Well done!

Thanks for helping Leena shop and find angles and vertices along the way!


What are the different attributes we can use to identify two-dimensional shapes?