
Video: Sorting

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Let’s learn to sort!

Clothes have to be sorted by color before you wash them.
These are sorted into two piles white and colors.

Here are some dried fruits. Let’s sort them by kinds of fruit.
Super sorter!

Here is a refrigerator full of food. Let’s sort the food by food groups.

Now the fruits and vegetables are together, the dairy products are together, and more.
Super sorter!

Here are some wood shapes. Let’s see how we can sort them.
How would you sort these shapes?

We can put the same shapes together or the same colors.
Super sorter!

Look at these spoons and forks. Someone put one item on the wrong colored napkin, can you find it?
Yes, the fork should be on the yellow napkin with the other forks.
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Take a look at this sorted picture. What groups do you see?
I see… stuffed animals, shoes, and photos
Super sorters!

Items can be sorted by color, size, item, and more…

You are a super sorter!
