
Problem Solving

Can you problem solve using what you’ve learned about comparing fractions?



fraction fox


Goal: Apply what you have learned about comparing fractions to solve a word problem.

Let's solve a word problem about comparing fractions! You will need a pencil and a scrap piece of paper.

Madelyn and her friend made friendship bracelets. The first bracelet has 8 beads, and 4 of them are green. The second bracelet has 8 beads, and 7 of them are green. Which bracelet has more green beads, the first or second bracelet? Write your answer using comparative fractions.

A bracelet with 4 green beads and 4 beads of different colors.
A bracelet with 7 green beads and 1 bead of different color.

Word Problem Solving Steps

  1. Read the problem.
  2. Look for important information.
  3. Write the fraction.
  4. Write your answer.
Madelyn racing on the track.

Can you compare the fractions?

Madelyn's friends voted on their favorite pets. One sixth of the friends voted for cats, and one third voted for dogs. Which pet was the favorite of more of Madelyn's friends?

1 sixth less than 1 third.
1 sixth is greater than 1 third.

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