
Exploring Nature with Our Senses

How can you use your five senses to learn about nature?



You can learn a lot about the world by using your senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. In this video, our curious friends explore the forest to see what they can discover using their senses. Watch this video to see what they find in nature!

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Today, our curious friends are on an adventure in the woods to explore nature using their senses.

They are meeting Peter’s aunt, Ranger Akiko, to find out more about how to safely explore the forest.

Oliver, Kiara, Peter, Maddie, Enrique, and Rosie walk through the forest, crunching the leaves below their feet.

Do you see that?

It’s small, green and brown, bumpy, and blends in perfectly with its surroundings.

Can you guess what it is?

It’s a frog! From the sound of it, there are many frogs nearby today.

Oooh, can you smell that?

It’s green, spongy, and damp.

Can you guess what it is?

It’s moss, and all of the things growing around them.

The forest is full of interesting smells.
Shhh, listen carefully.

It’s red, soft, and lives in a tree. And look--it left something behind.

It’s a cardinal. Can you see it up in the tree?

So far, the kids have used their sense of touch, smell, hearing, and sight, but what about taste?

Ranger Akiko says you should never taste anything in nature unless you are with an experienced guide.

See, these are some poison mushrooms. Stay away from those!

The kids spend more time exploring the forest and gathering items for their collections. They thank Ranger Akiko for teaching them so much about the forest.

Back at home, the kids lay the items they collected on a table. They found so many interesting things. They take out their magnifying glasses to get a closer look.

Enrique, Rosie, and Oliver decide to classify their collections by hard and soft.

Maddie, Kiara, and Peter decide to classify their collections by color.

The kids had a lot of fun exploring and classifying today.

How will you classify the items you found on your walk?


Should you use your sense of taste on a nature walk?

No, it is not safe to taste things in nature unless you are with an experienced guide.