Let’s Learn!
Calculate elapsed time.
Think About It!
Goal: Calculate time on an analog and a digital clock.
Tamika the Turtle loves to journey through the jungle, but she has to keep track of her time. Tamika is leaving for her journey at 1 o’clock, or 1:00. Do you remember what this time looks like on the analog clock?
Do you remember what this time would look like on a digital clock? The numbers before the : show the hours, and the numbers after the : show the minutes.
Tamika found the next treasure chest at 2:30. How else can we say 2:30?
Half past 2 o’clock.
As Tamika travels, we can calculate her elapsed time. Elapsed time is the amount of time that has passed from the start of an event to when it ends. We can do this by adding up the hours between the start time and the end time.
Tamika leaves for her journey to the treasure at 3 o’clock. We
can find her time one hour later by adding one to her start
3 + 1 = 4. One hour after 3 o’clock would be 4
o’clock. Here is what this looks like on the clocks!
Let’s try another! If Tamika starts her journey at 1 o’clock, what will be the time 2 hours later?
That’s right! It’s 3 o’clock. The time started at 1 o’clock and we added 2 hours to find the later time: 1 + 2 = 3.
Let’s practice elapsed time with Tamika the Turtle.
Click on the analog and digital clocks in the first column to see the time after 2 hours have elapsed.