How do you represent money with fractions?
Decimals and fractions are both ways to represent amounts that are in-between whole numbers. So far you have learned how to represent amounts of money using decimals. In this lesson, you will learn how to represent amounts of money using fractions. Watch this video to learn how.
Converting Money to Fractions
All terminating decimals values can be written as a fraction. The decimal values in money are used to represent parts of a whole dollar. Since they are parts of a whole, they are seen as fractional amounts and can be written as fractions. Let’s look at a few examples.
One quarter is 25 cents. In decimal form that is 0.25. 0.25 in fraction form is 25/100, which can be reduced to ¼. One quarter is ¼ of a dollar.
A dime is 10 cents, or 0.10. 0.10 in fraction form is 10/100. We can reduce 10/100 to 1/10. A dime is 1/10 of a dollar.
$1.50 is 1 full dollar and 50 cents, or 1.50. 1 is a whole, and the fraction form of 50 cents is 50/100. 50/100 can reduce to ½. $1.50 is equivalent to 1 and ½ dollars.
$10.20 is 10 whole dollars and 20 cents. 10 and .20 is ten whole dollars and 20/100. 20/100 can be reduced to 1/5. $10.20 is 10 and 1/5 dollars.
A dime is what fraction of a dollar?