
Name the Day

Let’s watch a video about the days of the week!



Each day of the week has a name. The days of the week go in order. Watch this video to learn the names of the days and their order!

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Sarah’s dance recital is coming up! The recital is on Thursday and Sarah is so excited. She wants to start a countdown to the recital, but she keeps forgetting the names of the days of the week. Let’s help her remember them!

The first day of the week is Sunday. The second day is Monday. The third day of the week is Tuesday. The fourth day is Wednesday. The fifth day is Thursday. The sixth day of the week is Friday, and the seventh day of the week is Saturday. There are 7 days in a week.

Oh, look! Sarah’s friends are here to help her learn the days of the week. Let’s say them together! Ready? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Oh no! One of Sarah’s friends had to leave. Let’s say the days of the week, including the day that isn’t there anymore.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… Thursday!, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Even more of Sarah’s friends have to leave now. Can you help her say the days of the week? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Very good!

All of Sarah’s friends had to go home, but she’d like to practice saying the days one more time. Let’s help her! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Thanks for helping Sarah remember the days of the week. Now she can start her countdown to the dance recital on Thursday!



What day comes after Sunday?

Monday is the day after Sunday.