
Split Shapes into Thirds

Let’s watch a video about making thirds!




Goal: Identify thirds as 3 equal parts.

Celine is helping her mom with some yard work. There is a lot to do so Celine is dividing her work into thirds. Can you help her?

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Celine the Kitty needs to help her mom care for the yard! There is a lot of work that needs to be done so she will have to split her work into thirds, or 3 equal parts.

First, Celine needs to prune, or cut, some trees because they are getting too big. She has to prune 3 whole trees! Celine the Kitty decides to prune one tree at a time to divide her work into thirds so she will not get too tired. Each tree she prunes will be a third of the work she needs to do.

Let’s count each third of the work Celine completes! 1, 2, 3! Nice job! Now, Celine has to replant 3 flowers into bigger planters. She will do 1 third at a time. Let’s count! 1 third, 2 thirds, 3 thirds. All done! Celine has finished replanting all 3 the flowers! She completed her work 1 third at a time.

Celine is almost done. She has a couple more chores to complete. Now she needs to mow the lawn. She will mow the lawn a third at a time. Let’s count! 1 third, 2 thirds, 3 thirds. Great job! The lawn is nicely mowed.

Lastly, Celine has to clean the pool! It is a big rectangle so she will clean one third at a time.

Let’s count each equal part! 1, 2, 3. Great job! The pool is all clean! Celine has finished helping her mom with the yard work!

Now Celine can relax, sip some lemonade, and enjoy the clean pool! Thanks for helping! Goodbye!

What are thirds?