

Why are rules important?



Rules help to keep us safe. They help to keep our classroom clean and organized. Rules help us to work and play together with respect. Watch the video to learn why rules are important.

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Rules help us know what to do. They help us make good choices and show us how to help each other.

Michael wants to help others follow the rules and be safe. He knows just what to do. He becomes Super Helper for the day.

Michael reminds Frankie to put on her seat belt. You should always wear your seat belt when riding in a car. A seat belt can help keep you safe.

Michael sees Alex getting ready to ride his bike. He zooms over quickly to help him put on his helmet. Wearing your helmet while you ride your bike is an important rule to remember so you can stay safe and not get hurt if you fall.

Michael hears loud yelling at the playground. He better hurry to see if he can help! Michael finds Skyler and David trying to go down the slide at the same time. Michael reminds them that we should take turns on the slide so everyone can have fun together and be safe when we play.

Michael sees his friends at the park making good choices. They are sharing with others and being respectful. That’s what it means to follow rules. Rules help us in our school and community to work and play together, and to keep us safe.

His work is done for the day. Time for some play time!


Why are rules important?

Rules help us stay safe.