Identify whole shapes
Let’s watch a video about whole shapes!

Goal: Learn how to identify whole shapes.
There are so many healthy foods growing in Gabby’s garden. Let’s practice identifying whole items in Gabby’s garden!
It’s springtime, and Gabby has lots of work to do in her garden! She wants to practice identifying wholes while she works. Can you help her?
Gabby is hungry and wants a snack before she starts to work in her garden. A watermelon is a refreshing snack, and there’s one growing in her garden. Wow! Gabby just realized her watermelon is one whole! A whole is one shape or item that has no parts of it missing.
Yum! That was a healthy and delicious snack! Gabby is ready to get back to work! She wants to harvest some cherries to make a pie.
There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cherries ready to be picked! Hmmm. Each cherry is a small circle with no parts missing. Each one is a whole! There are 5 whole cherries on the cherry tree!
Now Gabby needs to harvest some carrots to make soup for dinner. How many carrots do you see? 1, 2, 3! Great job! These are also whole shapes! But wait! A bunny has taken a bite from one of the carrots. It is no longer a whole because part of it is missing. So how many whole carrots does Gabby have? 1, 2. Great! She has 2 whole carrots!
Wow, there are lots of whole foods all around us! Thanks for helping Gabby garden and look for wholes! Goodbye!
If you eat a slice from a pie, is it still considered one whole pie?