

What are proteins and amino acids?



Recall that proteins are a vital macronutrient that provide the human body with several health benefits. Watch the video and then answer the question below to dive even deeper into proteins and amino acids.

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Proteins and Amino Acids

Protein is one of the three main types of macronutrients, and is found in foods like fish, beans, meat, and eggs.

Your muscles are mostly made of proteins and require it to grow and function.

Many molecules made of protein, like hemoglobin in red blood cells, perform vital functions in the body. Hemoglobin connects to oxygen breathed in by the lungs, carrying it throughout the body to all cells.

Proteins are complex molecules with twisting, three dimensional shapes.

Just like the 26 letters of the alphabet combine to form the words in the English language, 22 different compounds, called amino acids, combine to form the various proteins in the body.

When you consider that all the body’s organs, immune cells, and many other vital parts are made of proteins, it is clear why they are an important part of a healthy diet.

The proteins in food begin to be digested in the stomach as hydrochloric acid and enzymes work to disassemble the amino acids linked together.

These amino acid building blocks are absorbed by the body and used to make new proteins that the body needs.

Of the amino acids needed by the human body, nine cannot be created by the body and must be eaten.

One essential amino acid, tryptophan, is important for brain function. Turkey is a good source of tryptophan.

Proteins from animal sources, like eggs, are considered to be complete sources because they contain all nine of the essential amino acids.

Just 5 ounces of a complete protein source per day is enough for a healthy body. That’s about 1 cup of chicken.

Along with fats and carbohydrates, proteins are a necessary part of a nutritious diet.

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. What do you think would happen if your body had low levels of hemoglobin?