
Proteins from Food

What are some good sources of protein?



sources of protein

If your diet is well-balanced and you eat reasonable amounts, you are probably getting enough protein to be healthy. A reasonable amount for you is about five ounces per day. The key is to eat a variety of foods--meat, vegetables, nuts, seafood--to ensure that you get the amino acids you need. Complete sources of protein are the best options since they contain all nine essential amino acids. Animal proteins are complete sources as are quinoa and soy.

To avoid saturated fat, eat beans, fish, and poultry for your protein. If you like dairy products, choose low-fat or fat-free versions. The advantages and disadvantages of red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) are the subject of much debate. In the end, the decision is a personal one. If you make red meat part of your diet, choose the leanest cuts, make reasonable portion sizes, and eat it only occasionally. Also, skip bacon, hot dogs, and deli meats. They are processed foods that have been linked to a higher risk of cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

Would it be more beneficial to your health to eat a cup of turkey or one half of a cup of nuts? Explain.