Make change using coin combinations!

Goal: Show coin combinations to make change.
Let’s review our coin combinations with Sully the Stork!
Click the tabs to find the different coin combinations to make 30¢. Remember, start with the largest coin values.

Add the value of the coins:
25¢ | |
+ | 5¢ |
30¢ |
Count up: 25¢, 30¢.

Add the value of the coins:
25¢ | |
+ | 5¢ |
30¢ |
Count up: 25¢, 26¢, 27¢, 28¢, 29¢, 30¢.

Add the value of the coins:
10¢ | |
10¢ | |
+ | 10¢ |
30¢ |
Skip count by 10s: 10¢, 20¢, 30¢.

Add the value of the coins:
20¢ | |
+ | 10¢ |
30¢ |
Skip count by 10s and 5s: 10¢, 20¢, 25¢, 30¢.
Try it on your own using this worksheet! Click the button below to get to the worksheet. When you are finished, submit your assignment to your teacher.
Show Coin Combinations to Make Change