
Assess Yourself

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measurement penguin

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Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? These questions will help you find out. Go back to the lesson if you do not know an answer.

Which formula would you use to find the area of a rectangle?

  1. \({\text{A} = l \div w}\)
  2. \({\text{A} = l \times w}\)
  3. \({\text{A} = l + w}\)
  4. \({\text{A} = l - w}\)

Which math sentence would find the missing length of the rectangle?

A square width: question mark, length 2 feet. Area 4 square feet.

  1. 4 sq. ft. \({=}\) 2 ft. \({+}\) w
  2. 4 sq. ft. \({=}\) 2 ft. \({-}\) w
  3. 4 sq. ft. \({=}\) 2 ft. \({\div}\) w
  4. 4 sq. ft. \({=}\) 2 ft. \({\times}\) w

What is the missing width?

A rectangle width ?, length 2 feet. Area 14 square feet.

  1. 7 ft.
  2. 2 sq. ft.
  3. 12 sq. ft.
  4. 16

What is the length of the missing width?

A square width question mark, length 5 centimeters, Area 25 square centimeters.

  1. 5 cm
  2. 5 sq. cm
  3. 30 cm
  4. 25 sq. cm

If the area of a rectangle is 30 sq. cm and the width is 6 cm, what is the length?

  1. 5 in.
  2. 5 cm
  3. 5 sq. cm
  4. 6

What is the measurement of the missing width?

A rectangle. width question mark, length 9 inches, Area 27 square inches.

  1. 3 in.
  2. 3 sq. in.
  3. 9 in.
  4. 27 sq. in.

Which equation can be used to find the missing width of a rectangle with these measurements?

40 sq. m \({=}\) w \({\times}\) 10 m

  1. 40 sq. m \({\div}\) 10 m \({=}\) w
  2. 40 sq. m \({\times}\) 10 m \({=}\) w
  3. 40 sq. m \({-}\) 10 m \({=}\) w
  4. 40 sq. m \({+}\) 10 m \({=}\) w

If the area of a rectangle is 54 sq. cm and the width is 6 cm, what is the length?

  1. 9 in.
  2. 9 cm
  3. 9 sq. cm
  4. 6

What is the measurement of the missing width?

A square width question mark, length 7 inches, Area 42 square inches.

  1. 6 in.
  2. 6 sq. in.
  3. 7 in.
  4. 42 sq. in.

Which rectangle has a missing measurement of 8 m?

  1. A rectangle width 2 meters, length unknown, area 8 square meters.
  2. A rectangle width 3 meters, length unknown, area 18 square meters
  3. A rectangle width 3 meters, length unknown, 32 square meters.
  4. A rectangle width 3 meters, length unknown, 27 square inches.


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