
Cars release carbon dioxide.

Diesel smoke from a big truck. Automobile engines do not completely burn the fuel they use. Remember that when a fuel is burned, oxygen from the air is combined with carbon to form carbon dioxide. When there is not enough oxygen to burn a fossil fuel completely, a deadly gas called carbon monoxide forms. (“Monoxide” means “one oxygen.”) Automobiles create both carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide when they burn gasoline. (Nitrogen oxide contributes to acid rain.) Smoke and soot particulates are other by-products of incomplete combustion.

When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released. Cars release carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. For every gallon of gasoline consumed by an automobile, about 19 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted. For an automobile with a gasoline tank that holds 12 - 15 gallons, each tank of gas consumed results in the release of about 220 to 300 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere!

Carbon Dioxide

How much carbon dioxide is released for every gallon of gasoline burned?

For every gallon of gasoline burned, 19 pounds of carbon dioxide are released.