
Now that you have learned about air pollution, complete the following assignment.

Tailpipes Air pollution What impact does your family have on air pollution?

Find out how much carbon dioxide your family’s car releases.

a. First find out how many gallons of gasoline your family’s car holds when the tank is full. (Often this is stated somewhere in the owner’s manual.)

b. Estimate how many gallons of gasoline are used each week by your family. You can do this by finding out how many times a week gasoline is put in the car and about how many gallons is put in each time.

c. Now calculate how many pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted each week by your family’s use of the car. How many pounds are emitted each month? Each year?

d.  As a class create a graph of how much carbon dioxide is released by the families in your class.

Click on the Activity Button to download the Air Pollution Assignment.