
¿Cuál es tu teléfono?

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Free Response

Two young people exchanging phone numbers.

Your friend, Rachel, asks for your phone number. Answer the question in a complete sentence. Then, ask her for her phone number. Your answer should be written as well as spoken. When you are finished, submit both your audio file and written response to your teacher.

Review the rubric below to see how you will be graded.

3 points
2 points
Below Average
1 points
La Pronunciatión
Vowels and vocabulary words are pronounced correctly. Vowels and vocabulary are mostly pronounced correctly with some mispronunciations. Almost all vowels and vocabulary are mispronounced.
La Fluidez
No hesitations while speaking. Assignment shows good preparation. Some hesitations when speaking, but assignment shows some preparation. Does not demonstrate fluency and understanding of vocabulary.
La Gramática
Consistent, correct use of grammar functions (masculine/feminine) and targeted structure. Errors in grammar are present, but do not distract too much from the task. Errors in grammar are present, but do distract from the task.
La Expresión
Uses inflection and intonation in voice that shows speaker understands. Uses correct inflection and intonation some of the time. Voice inflection and intonation is used incorrectly or infrequently.
El Vocabulario
Correctly uses vocabulary words and incorporates high frequency words (if applicable). Uses vocabulary words and incorporates high frequency words (if applicable) correctly some of the time. Vocabulary is limited and used incorrectly.
Simple sentences with correct vocabulary are included, as are many high-frequency words. All sentences are in the correct order for understanding, and there are few to no misspellings. Simple sentences with correct vocabulary are included, as are some high-frequency words; however, some misspellings are included. Most sentences are in the correct order for understandings. Simple sentences with correct vocabulary are included, but with many misspellings.