
Use your outline to write the first draft of your research report.

Woman working on report It's almost time for you to draft your own research report. The procedure for writing the first and last sections of your report is similar to the process you used for the body: Refer to your outline, and "translate" those notes into sentences and paragraphs. Before you start drafting, consider the similarities and differences between the beginning and the end of a research report.

The introduction and conclusion are similar in that both of them include the report's thesis statement and some of its main ideas. They are quite different in purpose though--the introduction should capture readers' interest and attention, and the conclusion should "let go of them." Compare Marisa's introduction paragraph to her conclusion paragraph.


  1. The idea of women serving in the military has been highly controversial.
  2. However, women have been serving in the military since the Revolutionary War.
  3. Women have often gone to great lengths to serve their country, have made significant contributions in armed conflicts, and over time have made great progress toward equal treatment in the military.


  1. American women have been important contributors to the military.
  2. They have overcome many obstacles, and obstacles remain, but progress continues.
  3. Someday, women will be able to serve in special-operations units as well.
For most of this country's history, the idea of women serving in the United States armed forces has been highly controversial--and it sometimes still is. However, female citizens in the United States of American have been contributing to war efforts and serving in the military since the Revolutionary War. Women have often gone to great lengths to serve their country, have made significant contributions in armed conflicts, and over time have made great progress toward equal treatment in the military. Over the years, American women have shown their willingness to support war efforts and to serve in the military. They have often had to overcome many obstacles to service. And obstacles still remain; there are still roles that are off-limits to women. But as progress continues for women in the armed services, it is likely they will eventually be allowed to serve in elite special-operations units, including the Army's Delta Force and the Navy SEALs.

What focus appears in the conclusion paragraph but not in the introduction paragraph? Why does this topic appear at the end but not the beginning?

The conclusion paragraph focuses on the obstacles faced by women who want to serve. These obstacles were detailed in the report's body paragraphs, so it's appropriate to refer to them in the conclusion.

Now it's your turn to turn an outline into a research report. Find the outline you created in an earlier lesson, and draft each section of your report. Use the ideas or statements you put in your outline as a scaffold or framework to build your report.

In this very early draft of your report, you do not need to include direct quotes or paraphrased information from your sources. The goal at this stage is get your own ideas about the topic into your own words. You can add more specific information from sources in the next draft.

When you have finished your first draft, submit a copy to your teacher, and save a copy where you can find it easily.

Make sure you've completed all the requirements for this assignment. Look at the rubric below to see how you will be graded.

Introduction Paragraph Draft
2 point
1 Point: You introduce your topic and familiarize your reader with important context about your area of research.
1 Point: You lay out your thesis statement and draft in your own words how you will prove it is true.
Body Paragraphs Draft
2 point
1 Point: You introduce several key main ideas that support your thesis.
1 Point: You draft the specific research that backs up each main idea for all three body paragraphs.
Conclusion Paragraph Draft
2 point
1 Point: You explain in your own words your main reasons that support your thesis.
1 Point: You draft your ending that gives context to your topic and leaves the reader feeling satisfied and informed.